Firstly, I made my own fondant & gumpaste. It's dead easy with my KitchenAid at my service! Not funny when I had to make using a hand mixer and hands! So I started offw with the shoe heel and pink duffle/tote on Thursday, and left them overnight to harden. Then continued making the sole & in-sole + the back + the front on Friday together with the brown tote and an elephant! I spent the whole of Friday baking, moulding and drawing sketches and measuring. At times, I did wish that I was first a cobbler, then a tailor, then an artist! Reality is such that I'm an accountant who turned into a housewife-baker.
Today (Saturday), I tried assembling the cake. I will not lie and boast that it went a breeze. I've never felt so pressured in my entire life! I guess that goes to every baker dealing with their first fondant experience! Anyway, finally i managed to finish the job which left me feeling VERY nauseatic/dizzy/faint (not to mention throwing up in the toilet!) i.e. VERY ILL - my mum asked me "Ira, are you sure you're not expecting?" LOL No, mum I'm not! I'm feeling much better after popping in an anti-nausea pill prescribed by the doctor earlier today.
However, I'm very proud of moulding the shoe, bags and ELEPHANT! Yay! So here are the photos of my humble creation.
P/s Aliah, hope you enjoy the photos! Fara, fiance & friends, hope you enjoyed the cake. Please ignore the icing! =)