Saturday, December 13, 2008

Twilight Bites

I'm listening to Supermassive Black Hole by Muse from Twilight's Soundtrack. I'm absolutely high on everything about Twilight! Anyway, lets not go astray and stick to cakes =)

Yesterday afternoon, Tania, my gonggok friend, requested for a Choc Cheese Wave with a twist. She wanted something without cheese and not so cruel to the waistline. So she asked if I could make the Wave without the cheese. She just wanted the chocolate bit, perhaps thinking the cheese is the fattening bit (dude, you've got it the other absolute way round!). So, since I didn't have plans that immediate afternoon, I went into the kitchen and did some magic throwing things together, not really sure of what I was doing. But I had a good feeling while throwing the ingredients together, so I wasn't worried as that normally meant I was doing something right.

What Tania wanted was a chocolate cake really. Maybe a bite-sized one since she asked me to cut it up in 'moleks'. So I dug int my pantry and found some left-over chocolate chips. I contemplated between using those chocolate chips (although there were only a handful left) or putting in chocolate chunks? Since I was too lazy to get my hands messy and chop the chocolate bar into chunks, I went ahead with the chips instead. It was only Tania the gonggok. A friend whom I can experiment my cakes with =) So I baked the cake/brownie different from how i usually do...again experimenting different baking and mixing techniques. It turned out perfect! The cake was as moist as ever, with the killer melt in the mouth texture. I would imagine it being yummier had i had more chocolate chips or chocolate chunks in them. It could be something I would add to the menu later. Not yet tho. I;m still thinking of a name. I have Twilight in mind. But I thought I'd save that for a promising chocolate cake that I'm about to experiment for Hidayah's (my younger sister-in-law) birthday the end of this month =)

My mind has been too occupied with this Vampire move Twilight that I've been quite distracted from my baking & updating my blog. I read the 2nd book New Moon and managed to borrow the 1st book Twilight off my cousin's, Efie's, girlfriend, Elle, who is perhaps as crazy as I am with Twilight or maybe more! It's been keeping me up til 2-3am. I'll get back in focus once the obsession in me dies down. After all, I am only human =)

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