I spent two days assembling
Hajar's cake. It consists of two petite (1kg) Choc Cheese Waves stacked together. The first day of assembly turned out disastrous. I thought I was done. Only to come back home and find that the chocolate buttercream frosting was melting!!! At 12.30am, I decided to rip my 7-hour worth of labour. I must admit it wasn't a pleasant feeling. I was exhausted, frustrated, disappointed, sad...every unpleasant feeling you can think of was present. I slept on it and continued the next day (today) from scratch. Honestly, earlier this morning, I was so demotivated that I felt like hiding under my duvet and do nothing (perhaps waiting for Hajar to find me!). Then I thought "you have a situation (problem). Acknowledge it, accept it, and deal with it!". That was what got me started.
So I redid everything from mixing fondant to buttercream to royal icing and laying everything out properly and most importantly, as calmly as possible, in another 7 hours. I kept saying "don't panic, don't panic", and manage to stay very calm (calmer than normal!) whilst assembling the cake at my own pace. At 6pm today, I stuck the last stalk of roses onto the cake, took a step back, and managed a sigh...looking at the cake made me breathless. The feeling that I know I did everything correctly made me so satisfied, and I'm proud of what my humble scrawny hands have created. Hajar's bouquet of roses wedding cake. Enjoy the photos! =)

[my favourite! It could have easily pass off as a hand bouquet!]
[a grand Cappuccino Velvet Cheesecake and a two tiered petite Choc Cheese Wave Wedding cake]
Now I'm officially off on holiday to Perhentian Island for a diving course =)
i totally love this creation. I think this is your best work! great job on the roses....wish I could be in ur shoes!
Thanks June! I must admit this cake was very labour intensive compared to the rest! LOL Nevertheless, every second was worth the effort =)
so cantik. so creative!!
I just love love this wedding cake!! Pink roses are looking so cute!!
Thank you Jennifer, the roses were sure fun to make :)
Thank you Jennifer, the roses were sure fun to make :)
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